The 3 M's of Marketing for Your Small BusinessIn today’s 2 minute business tip, I want to present some very basic marketing concepts that will drastically improve your revenues if you think through them.  Take two minutes and review this list today so you can apply it to your marketing efforts.

#1 – Message – What is the message that you want to get across?  When a potential customer thinks about your business, what words and feelings should they be thinking about?  Should they be thinking “High Quality” or “Low Prices;” should they be thinking “Excellent Service” or “Huge Selection;” should they be thinking “Exclusive” or “Open and Friendly?”

#2 – Market – Who are you trying to target?  Even more importantly, who are you not trying to target?  This basic concept is something that is lost on most small business owners, which is why they struggle so much with marketing.  If you try to market to everyone, you get no one.  Does that mean you will turn people away who walk in to your business off the street?  Of course not.  But when it comes to marketing, you need to have a specific target market based on geography, demographics, and desires.  Think through these three components and make sure your marketing efforts are targeted at someone.

#3 – Method – How will you get your message to your target market?  There are a lot of ways to deliver your message.  Print marketing, email marketing, billboards, pay per click, and more!  Think about when and how your prospective clients are looking for the products and services you offer, and make sure you have a method for marketing.  That might mean learning something new or working with a new vendor like John Doe Design who provides online marketing services.  Take the leap and improve your methods!

I hope these three short tips will help you grow your business

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